
Real-Time application for Huber+Suhner. The app enables the seamless uploading and distribution of diverse content forms, such as images, videos, and PDFs. The app excels in swiftly broadcasting news and alerts, allowing for the management of news or alerts in real time.


• MVVM: Main architecture of the application.

• ViewModel : Stores and manages UI-related data in a lifecycle-aware manner.

• LiveData: Observable data holder.

• Coroutines: Light-weight threads for writing asynchronous non-blocking code.

• Retrofit: HTTP request handling.

• SignalR: Real-time communication without needing to request new data versions from clients.

• Room: Persistent layer for saving and caching app data.

• SQLCipher: Database encryption.

• Security-Crypto: Secure data encryption keys.

• ExoPlayer: Media player.

• PdfViewer: Displays PDF documents on Android.

•XML: Developing a responsive UI for all screen sizes.

• Lottie: Parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON.

• Glide: Caching and loading images.

• Firebase Crashlytics: Crash reporting tool.

• XML: Developing a responsive UI for all screen sizes.



Screen Shots