Financial app that enables users to make in-store payments using QR codes, top up their accounts, track and analyze their spending, utilize biometric authentication, and set up business accounts to accept payments as well.
• MVVM: Main architecture of the application.
• ViewModel : Stores and manages UI-related data in a lifecycle-aware manner.
• LiveData: Observable data holder.
• Coroutines: Light-weight threads for writing asynchronous non-blocking code.
• Retrofit: HTTP request handling.
• Room: Persistent layer for saving and caching app data.
• SQLCipher: Database encryption.
• Security-Crypto: Secure data encryption keys.
• Shared Preferences: Persistent layer for saving user settings preferences.
• Biometric: Authentication using fingerprint.
• Google Maps: Displays maps and shows markers near the user.
• Google Location: Allows users to locate or change their location within the app.
• Google Zxing: Scans QR codes to get purchase details for payment processing.
•XML & Compose: Developing a responsive UI for all screen sizes.
• Lottie: Parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON.
• Glide: Caching and loading images.
• Firebase Crashlytics: Crash reporting tool.
• MVVM: Main architecture of the application.
• ViewModel : Stores and manages UI-related data in a lifecycle-aware manner.
• LiveData: Observable data holder.
• Coroutines: Light-weight threads for writing asynchronous non-blocking code.
• Retrofit: HTTP request handling.
• Room: Persistent layer for saving and caching app data.
• SQLCipher: Database encryption.
• Security-Crypto: Secure data encryption keys.
• Shared Preferences: Persistent layer for saving user settings preferences.
• Biometric: Authentication using fingerprint.
• Google Maps: Displays maps and shows markers near the user.
• Google Location: Allows users to locate or change their location within the app.
• Google Zxing: Scans QR codes to get purchase details for payment processing.
•XML & Compose: Developing a responsive UI for all screen sizes.
• Lottie: Parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON.